
Resolving a personal injury claim can be a complex and drawn-out process, with many variables. Each case carries its own unique set of circumstances that can expedite or delay settlement. As a personal injury lawyer, it’s my job to navigate you through these waters, striving for a resolution that is timely—and just—for my clients. This article will explore six critical factors that may influence the duration of a personal injury case.

  1. Duration of Medical Care:The extent of your injuries and the duration of your medical care can significantly impact the timeline to resolve your claim. It’s usually in your best interest to reach a point of maximum medical improvement (“MMI”) before settling a claim, which simply means you have made a baseline recovery from your injuries. This ensures that all medical expenses, both current and future, are properly accounted for.
  2. Disputes Over Responsibility:Disputes between insurance companies over who is at fault for a wreck can also delay proceedings. Establishing liability is crucial and may require an in-depth investigation, which takes time. The more clear-cut the responsibility, the quicker a case can typically be resolved. For example, a simple rear end collision will usually resolve faster than a collision in an intersection where both drivers claim they had a green light.
  3. Locating All Defendants: In some accidents, it’s not just a single party that is responsible. Finding all involved parties and determining their degree of fault is a necessary step before you can fully settle or litigate a claim, and this process can add time to the case. This is, of course, in your best interest, as it will increase the likelihood that you will receive a fairs settlement for your injuries.
  4. Insurance Claims Processes:The insurance claim process itself is often a waiting game. Negotiations with insurance adjusters can be lengthy, especially if there is a lot of back-and-forth communication about the value of the claim. Insurance companies can also be slow to respond, causing further delays.
  5. Filing a Suit and Discovery Delays:If a lawsuit is filed, the discovery phase—the pre-trial period where each side investigates the other’s legal claims and defenses—can introduce delays. This can be caused by scheduling conflicts, issues with evidence collection, or stalling tactics by either party.
  6. Getting to Trial Post-COVID:The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant backlogs in the court system. Getting a case to trial has become a more prolonged process due to postponed hearings and limited court availability, affecting how quickly a personal injury case can be resolved. In many jurisdictions, criminal proceedings take precedence over civil proceedings, resulting in further delays.

What Gary Says About Resolving Your Personal Injury Claim

The timeline of a personal injury claim is as variable as the details of the accident itself. Patience and the guidance of a knowledgeable attorney are paramount in navigating these waters, as they deal with these issues on a daily basis. To gain further insight into the process, I encourage you to review discussions by Gary Bruce on the show “Legal Break.” For personalized advice on how cases are handled in Columbus, GA, and Phenix City, AL, reach out to the Law Offices of Gary Bruce. Our expertise in managing the intricacies of personal injury claims in our communities ensures you have the information and representation needed to pursue your case’s full value and compensation. If you have any questions about the timeline of your case or need representation, don’t hesitate to contact us.

For a free consultation to discuss your options with your case in the Columbus, Georgia, Phenix City, Alabama, and Ft. Moore, Georgia area, contact us at the Law Offices of Gary Bruce, (706) 576-4279 and we will help you fight for what you deserve. This link will take you to the video: